Beyond the 5th Dimension

* Beyond the 5th Dimension

What does this mean, beyond the 5th Dimension? First is an understanding that we are spiritual beings having a physical experience. We are not physical being trying to have a spiritual experience.

We have forgotten who we are. The evil that has existed in this land for millennia has prevented this. 

For those who do not know me my name is Art Mason. I am an almost 40 year practitioner of the martial Arts. And the Martial Arts is supposed to be about Body, Mind and Spirit.

Beyond the 5th Dimension

But the modern day version is far from this!  Today is about "Sport" and winning competitions.Sadly those who believe this are missing out on things.

Martial arts is training for war in a time of peace, and keeping peace via self development. 

I have been privileged by being mentored by some remarkable and enlightened people. 

And in the past year I have been working to bring these teachings to you. What is Beyond the 5th Dimension about?

It is about first awakening politically which was taught in the course on the 5th Dimension linked here, and then going beyond to different stages of enlightenment. And this something everyone can do, it they do the work.

What is in Beyond the 5th Dimension?

In this audio / video course I will cover everything you need to know to take you thinking and mind beyond the 5th Dimension. This is NOT a transcendental meditation course. Plus the uniting of the Body - Mind - Heart and Spirit. To become one with creation and the creator. To see truth and identify lies.  And to truly live in the moment. Not obsessed by things but in love with life. 

We are living in the most exciting and remarkable time in all of history. And as I write this things look bad. But it is always darkest before dawn and dawn is coming! 

Many people when they discover everything you believed in, all you have been told is a lie will not fair well. A time of great healing is coming. And those who have united the Body-Mind-Heart and spirit can become healer.

Beyond the 5th Dimension is about reconnect with who we are, and our connection to nature and the eternal. 

This course will change the way you look at the world! It will help you to develop clear vision!

ALL PROCEEDS are going towards my Dog Rescue in Romania, feeding and sheltering these beautiful creatures.

Plus our goal of finding them homes with Children and Adults rescued from Humane Trafficking. There is no long like the unconditional love of a dog.

Please help support this project today.

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Beyond the 5th Dimension

Martial Arts training should not be looked at as an activity. It is rather a study. And a study that lasts for a lifetime. The world is in the trouble it is in today because people are not educated, they are indoctrinated. Therefore they regurgitate information that is not truth, but part of a narrative.

And the martial arts world has been affected by this also. Thus the believe that ring fighting and feats of physical prowess are the only way. There is no truth to this idea. These things have value, but are only a fraction of the entire picture.

Learning is for a lifetime.

How often have you heard someone say that they are "too old for" something? There is not truth to this as age is a state of mind. Anyone can do the Advanced Healing Principals. Age is a state of mind.

Too many martial artists my age have relegated themselves to talking about their glory days at a coffee shop, or worse social media platforms. Remember to "Never say Never" or "Niciodată să nu spui niciodată" in Romanian. You are never to old to learn, and as an example I am learning a language to the point of certifying as a speaker in my 60's. And I consider this to be part of my martial arts training!

Beyond the 5th Dimension

Chi Development is the study of natural laws, and language is who we communicate and teach those laws. Age is a state of mind. But if you are trapped in the idea that martial arts is ONLY physical, a victory at a tournament then you grow old. Relegated to talking about the glory days at a Pizza Hut as Hanshi Juchnik states it. And this course on the Beyond the 5th Dimension is an important part of learning and study. 

And the best part, if you purchase this important and amazing video course called Beyond the 5th Dimension and are not happy within the first 30 days I will refund you. Just submit a Support TicketBut I know you will love this! Do you prefer eBook on Kosho, check here. You can find other Chi Development works here

Thank you for your time and have a wonderful day! Keep Learning!

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Al vostru în arte,
Mare Maestru Art Mason

GM Art Mason
Chi Development Course